Sheikh Faisal's royal majlis A Majlis is a space for gatherings. Sheikh Faisal's majlis acts as a public forum for men in the community to discuss matters of everyday life with their Sheikh .
One enters in to the “everyday”, yet formal, majlis where most greetings, meetings and discussions take place.
These spaces are even more formal, the furniture and decoration more ornate, the room layouts more symmetrical.
A large screen television displays local news, while tea or coffee is served constantly. This area is busy with men arriving and departing all day.
The Qatari people and culture are known for their generosity and hospitality. This is where Muhammad would organize formal receptions.
he states "It is important for every Qatari man to have a majlis, even if its not big, it might be just a small room in the house, for people to gather in when they visit"
Ahmed and his friends spends more than 18 hours a week in the majlis, playing games, hanging out...
Hassan's majlis Hassan says that dinner is always served, regardless of the type of majlis, but the difference is that in a Shabab majlis the younger men would take turns bringing in the food. Photo: Markus Elblaus